Located just 2-1/2 hours south of Atlanta near I-75.
Contact Greg Hobbs to discuss any or all phases of your recording project.
403 Reagan Rd.
Rebecca, GA 31783
(229) 424-4548
Since 1984
Experience Can Help Produce
The Best Recording For Your Dollar
Allow Us To Prove The Quality Sound &
Courteous Christian Service God Has Blessed Us With
Complete recording services, from cost cutting to high end.
Relaxed atmosphere, low pressure recording in a rural setting.
We strive to make the artist with little or no recording experience feel at ease,
while maintaining the highest level of professionalism to satisfy the seasoned artist as well.
Inquire about "UPPER ROOM ON THE ROAD". If time off from
work is a problem, I can bring the studio to you! Record "after hours". 
We also offer professional quality sound for weddings, receptions, & other events. Indoors or out!
If you are requesting information, please DO NOT list this in the Guest Book.
Please click on the email link above.
Demos & Soundtracks to fit any budget.
We can turn your lyrics or song
into a finished product!